Atlantic.Net Press Releases

Atlantic.Net Nominated for 1999 Florida 100

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (6/29/99) — Gainesville-based Atlantic.Net, Florida’s largest privately held Internet service provider, is pleased to announce that for the second year in a row it has been nominated for the Florida 100, the 100 fastest-growing private companies in the state of Florida. Atlantic.Net was number 79 in the 1998 Florida 100, with an 88% increase in sales from 1995-1997. This year the company expects to be much closer to the top of the list.

The Florida 100 is an annual program organized by the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business Administration and Fisher School of Accounting to identify and honor Florida’s one hundred highest growth firms. Recipients must meet four strict requirements to be eligible: be an independent, privately held corporation or proprietorship, but not a subsidiary or division; show a three-year sales history with an increase over the three year period; have sales of more than $100,000 but less than $25 million in fiscal 1996, and be located in the state of Florida.

Atlantic.Net has more than 22,000 subscribers in 34 locations across Florida. Between 1996 and 1998 the company added 50 employees, launched service in 21 cities, and purchased the dial-up Internet subscribers, dedicated access accounts, and Web hosting clients of six Internet access companies across the state. In the past six months, Atlantic.Net has established a new Web development division, Atlantic.Net Studios, launched service in five new cities, opened an office in South Florida, and acquired three more Internet access providers. By the end of 1999, Atlantic.Net’s network is expected to span nine states in the southeastern United States.

About Atlantic.Net

Atlantic.Net is a leader in the highly competitive Internet access industry. Members get fast, reliable Internet connections and access to toll-free technical support seven days a week, starting at $9.95 per month. 56K access is standard with all accounts, but the service is also compatible with 14.4Kbps, 28.8/33.6Kbps modems as well as 64Kbps ISDN terminal adapters. 128Kbps ISDN is available for an additional monthly fee. Atlantic.Net also offers Web design services, high-speed dedicated access, and Web hosting services for businesses. Atlantic.Net Studios offers. To learn more about Atlantic.Net’s complete line of services, call 1-800-422-2936 or visit the corporate Web site at

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